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Found 1781 results
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United States
L. - San Wang, Naj, A. C., Graham, R. R., Crane, P. K., Kunkle, B. W., Cruchaga, C., Murcia, J. D. Gonzalez, Cannon-Albright, L., Baldwin, C. T., Zetterberg, H., Blennow, K., Kukull, W. A., Faber, K. M., Schupf, N., Norton, M. C., Tschanz, J. A. T., Munger, R. G., Corcoran, C. D., Rogaeva, E., Lin, C. - F., Dombroski, B. A., Cantwell, L. B., Partch, A., Valladares, O., Hakonarson, H., St George-Hyslop, P., Green, R. C., Goate, A. M., Foroud, T. M., Carney, R. M., Larson, E. B., Behrens, T. W., Kauwe, J. S. K., Haines, J. L., Farrer, L. A., Pericak-Vance, M. A., Mayeux, R., Schellenberg, G. D., Albert, M. S., Albin, R. L., Apostolova, L. G., Arnold, S. E., Barber, R., Barmada, M., Barnes, L. L., Beach, T. G., Becker, J. T., Beecham, G. W., Beekly, D., Bennett, D. A., Bigio, E. H., Bird, T. D., Blacker, D., Boeve, B. F., Bowen, J. D., Boxer, A., Burke, J. R., Buxbaum, J. D., Cairns, N. J., Cao, C., Carlson, C. S., Carroll, S. L., Chui, H. C., Clark, D. G., Cribbs, D. H., Crocco, E. A., DeCarli, C., DeKosky, S. T., F Demirci, Y., Dick, M., Dickson, D. W., Duara, R., Ertekin-Taner, N., Fallon, K. B., Farlow, M. R., Ferris, S., Frosch, M. P., Galasko, D. R., Ganguli, M., Gearing, M., Geschwind, D. H., Ghetti, B., Gilbert, J. R., Glass, J. D., Graff-Radford, N. R., Growdon, J. H., Hamilton, R. L., Hamilton-Nelson, K. L., Harrell, L. E., Head, E., Honig, L. S., Hulette, C. M., Hyman, B. T., Jarvik, G. P., Jicha, G. A., Jin, L. - W., Jun, G., Jun, G., M Kamboh, I., Karydas, A., Kaye, J. A., Kim, R., Koo, E. H., Kowall, N. W., Kramer, J. H., LaFerla, F. M., Lah, J. J., Leverenz, J. B., Levey, A. I., Li, G., Lieberman, A. P., Lopez, O. L., Lunetta, K. L., Lyketsos, C. G., Mack, W. J., Marson, D. C., Martin, E. R., Martiniuk, F., Mash, D. C., Masliah, E., McCormick, W. C., McCurry, S. M., McDavid, A. N., McKee, A. C., W Mesulam, M., Miller, B. L., Miller, C. A., Miller, J. W., Montine, T. J., Morris, J. C., Murrell, J. R., Olichney, J. M., Parisi, J. E., Perry, W., Peskind, E., Petersen, R. C., Pierce, A., Poon, W. W., Potter, H., Quinn, J. F., Raj, A., Raskind, M., Reiman, E. M., Reisberg, B., Reitz, C., Ringman, J. M., Roberson, E. D., Rosen, H. J., Rosenberg, R. N., Sano, M., Saykin, A. J., Schneider, J. A., Schneider, L. S., Seeley, W. W., Smith, A. G., Sonnen, J. A., Spina, S., Stern, R. A., Tanzi, R. E., Thornton-Wells, T. A., Trojanowski, J. Q., Troncoso, J. C., Tsuang, D. W., Van Deerlin, V. M., Van Eldik, L. J., Vardarajan, B. N., Vinters, H. V., Vonsattel, J. Paul, Weintraub, S., Welsh-Bohmer, K. A., Williamson, J., Wishnek, S., Woltjer, R. L., Wright, C. B., Younkin, S. G., Yu, C. - E., and Yu, L., Rarity of the Alzheimer disease-protective APP A673T variant in the United States., JAMA Neurol, vol. 72, no. 2, pp. 209-16, 2015.
G. C. Román, Tatemichi, T. K., Erkinjuntti, T., Cummings, J. L., Masdeu, J. C., Garcia, J. H., Amaducci, L., Orgogozo, J. M., Brun, A., and Hofman, A., Vascular dementia: diagnostic criteria for research studies. Report of the NINDS-AIREN International Workshop., Neurology, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 250-60, 1993.
G. McKhann, Drachman, D., Folstein, M., Katzman, R., Price, D., and Stadlan, E. M., Clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease: report of the NINCDS-ADRDA Work Group under the auspices of Department of Health and Human Services Task Force on Alzheimer's Disease., Neurology, vol. 34, no. 7, pp. 939-44, 1984.
Y. - J. Li, Scott, W. K., Zhang, L., Lin, P. - I., Oliveira, S. A., Skelly, T., Doraiswamy, M. P., Welsh-Bohmer, K. A., Martin, E. R., Haines, J. L., Pericak-Vance, M. A., and Vance, J. M., Revealing the role of glutathione S-transferase omega in age-at-onset of Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases., Neurobiol Aging, vol. 27, no. 8, pp. 1087-93, 2006.
A. Sonnega, Faul, J. D., Ofstedal, M. Beth, Langa, K. M., Phillips, J. W. R., and Weir, D. R., Cohort Profile: the Health and Retirement Study (HRS)., Int J Epidemiol, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 576-85, 2014.
R. S. Desikan, Fan, C. Chieh, Wang, Y., Schork, A. J., Cabral, H. J., L Cupples, A., Thompson, W. K., Besser, L., Kukull, W. A., Holland, D., Chen, C. - H., Brewer, J. B., Karow, D. S., Kauppi, K., Witoelar, A., Karch, C. M., Bonham, L. W., Yokoyama, J. S., Rosen, H. J., Miller, B. L., Dillon, W. P., Wilson, D. M., Hess, C. P., Pericak-Vance, M., Haines, J. L., Farrer, L. A., Mayeux, R., Hardy, J., Goate, A. M., Hyman, B. T., Schellenberg, G. D., McEvoy, L. K., Andreassen, O. A., and Dale, A. M., Genetic assessment of age-associated Alzheimer disease risk: Development and validation of a polygenic hazard score., PLoS Med, vol. 14, no. 3, p. e1002258, 2017.
P. M. Erlich, Lunetta, K. L., L Cupples, A., Huyck, M., Green, R. C., Baldwin, C. T., and Farrer, L. A., Polymorphisms in the PON gene cluster are associated with Alzheimer disease., Hum Mol Genet, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 77-85, 2006.
J. H. Lee, Cheng, R., Graff-Radford, N., Foroud, T., and Mayeux, R., Analyses of the National Institute on Aging Late-Onset Alzheimer's Disease Family Study: implication of additional loci., Arch Neurol, vol. 65, no. 11, pp. 1518-26, 2008.
K. G. Manton and Gu, X., Changes in the prevalence of chronic disability in the United States black and nonblack population above age 65 from 1982 to 1999., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, vol. 98, no. 11, pp. 6354-9, 2001.
M. Victoria Fernández, Black, K., Carrell, D., Saef, B., Budde, J., Deming, Y., Howells, B., Del-Aguila, J. L., Ma, S., Bi, C., Norton, J., Chasse, R., Morris, J., Goate, A., and Cruchaga, C., SORL1 variants across Alzheimer's disease European American cohorts., Eur J Hum Genet, vol. 24, no. 12, pp. 1828-1830, 2016.