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NG00073 - Genome-wide summary statistics for cognitively defined late-onset Alzheimer’s disease subgroups


GWAS meta-analysis summary statistics for case-control analyses of five cognitively defined Alzheimer’s disease subgroups.
1. Controls vs. memory predominant AD
2. Controls vs. visuospatial predominant AD
3. Controls vs. language predominant AD
4. Controls vs. no domain with substantial relative impairment AD group
5. Controls vs. multiple substantial relative impairment AD group

The subgroups were assigned on the basis of relative performance in memory, executive functioning, visuospatial functioning, and language at the time of Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis. The executive functioning prominent AD subgroup was too small to analyze and was left out.

The individual GWAS sets were based on 1000G imputed data (March 2012 build) and were adjusted for age, sex, and principal components and finally meta-analyzed using METAL. The studies used for meta-analysis were the Adult Changes in Thought (ACT) study, the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), the Religious Orders Study (ROS), the Memory and Aging Project (MAP), and the University Of Pittsburgh (PITT) study. The GWAS summary statistics files were quality controlled to exclude SNPs with minor allele frequency < 3%, monomorphic SNPs.

The p-value data is generally available to all users using the link below; however, gaining access to the complete dataset requires a formal data request.

Summary Statistics p-values only

Molecular Data Type


Submission date: 

Each cell represents controls/cases in respective subgroup

Mem - memory predominant AD subgroup
Vsp - visuospatial predominant AD subgroup
Lan - language predominant AD subgroup
None - no domain with substantial relative impairment AD subgroup
Mixed - multiple substantial relative impairment AD subgroup

  Mem Vsp Lan None Mixed
ACT 1407/75 1407/61 1407/38 1407/241 X
ADNI 325/180 325/77 325/47 325/265 325/25
ROS/MAP 887/111 887/80 887/167 887/243 887/69
PITT 825/287 825/76 825/72 825/225 825/47
TOTAL 3444/653 3444/294 3444/324 3444/974 3444/141


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