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Panitch R, Hu J, Chung J, Zhu C, Meng G, Xia W, Bennett DA, Lunetta KL, Ikezu T, Au R et al..  2021.  Integrative brain transcriptome analysis links complement component 4 and HSPA2 to the APOE ε2 protective effect in Alzheimer disease.. Mol Psychiatry. 26(10):6054-6064.
Pase MP, Himali JJ, Beiser AS, DeCarli C, McGrath ER, Satizabal CL, Aparicio HJ, Adams HHH, Reiner AP, Longstreth WT et al..  2020.  Association of CD14 with incident dementia and markers of brain aging and injury.. Neurology. 94(3):e254-e266.
Patel D, Mez J, Vardarajan BN, Staley L, Chung J, Zhang X, Farrell JJ, Rynkiewicz MJ, Cannon-Albright LA, Teerlink CC et al..  2019.  Association of Rare Coding Mutations With Alzheimer Disease and Other Dementias Among Adults of European Ancestry.. JAMA Netw Open. 2(3):e191350.
Patel D, Zhang X, Farrell JJ, Lunetta KL, Farrer LA.  2021.  Set-Based Rare Variant Expression Quantitative Trait Loci in Blood and Brain from Alzheimer Disease Study Participants.. Genes (Basel). 12(3)
Patel D, Zhang X, Farrell JJ, Chung J, Stein TD, Lunetta KL, Farrer LA.  2021.  Cell-type-specific expression quantitative trait loci associated with Alzheimer disease in blood and brain tissue.. Transl Psychiatry. 11(1):250.
Pathak GA, Zhou Z, Silzer TK, Barber RC, Phillips NR.  2020.  Two-stage Bayesian GWAS of 9576 individuals identifies SNP regions that are targeted by miRNAs inversely expressed in Alzheimer's and cancer.. Alzheimers Dement. 16(1):162-177.
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Peloso GM, Beiser AS, Satizabal CL, Xanthakis V, Vasan RS, Pase MP, DeStefano AL, Seshadri S.  2020.  Cardiovascular health, genetic risk, and risk of dementia in the Framingham Heart Study.. Neurology. 95(10):e1341-e1350.
Peloso GM, Beiser AS, DeStefano AL, Seshadri S.  2018.  Genetic Interaction with Plasma Lipids on Alzheimer's Disease in the Framingham Heart Study.. J Alzheimers Dis. 66(3):1275-1282.
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Pillai JA, Bebek G, Khrestian M, Bena J, Bergmann CC, Bush WS, Leverenz JB, Bekris LM.  2021.  Gene Variants and Related Soluble TNFR2 Levels Impact Resilience in Alzheimer's Disease.. Front Aging Neurosci. 13:638922.
Podleśny-Drabiniok A, Marcora E, Goate AM.  2020.  Microglial Phagocytosis: A Disease-Associated Process Emerging from Alzheimer's Disease Genetics.. Trends Neurosci. 43(12):965-979.


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