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Two-stage Bayesian GWAS of 9576 individuals identifies SNP regions that are targeted by miRNAs inversely expressed in Alzheimer's and cancer.

TitleTwo-stage Bayesian GWAS of 9576 individuals identifies SNP regions that are targeted by miRNAs inversely expressed in Alzheimer's and cancer.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsPathak GA, Zhou Z, Silzer TK, Barber RC, Phillips NR
Corporate AuthorsAlzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Breast and Prostate Cancer Cohort Consortium, and Alzheimer's Disease Genetics Consortium
JournalAlzheimers Dement
Date Published2020 01
KeywordsAlzheimer Disease, Bayes Theorem, Genetic Predisposition to Disease, Genome-Wide Association Study, Humans, Membrane Proteins, MicroRNAs, Neoplasms, Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide

INTRODUCTION: We compared genetic variants between Alzheimer's disease (AD) and two age-related cancers-breast and prostate -to identify single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that are associated with inverse comorbidity of AD and cancer.METHODS: Bayesian multinomial regression was used to compare sex-stratified cases (AD and cancer) against controls in a two-stage study. A ±500 KB region around each replicated hit was imputed and analyzed after merging individuals from the two stages. The microRNAs (miRNAs) that target the genes involving these SNPs were analyzed for miRNA family enrichment.RESULTS: We identified 137 variants with inverse odds ratios for AD and cancer located on chromosomes 19, 4, and 5. The mapped miRNAs within the network were enriched for miR-17 and miR-515 families.DISCUSSION: The identified SNPs were rs4298154 (intergenic), within TOMM40/APOE/APOC1, MARK4, CLPTM1, and near the VDAC1/FSTL4 locus. The miRNAs identified in our network have been previously reported to have inverse expression in AD and cancer.

Pubmed Link
Alternate JournalAlzheimers Dement
PubMed ID31914222
Grant ListU01-CA98758 / / National Cancer Institute under cooperative agreements / International
U01 AG016976 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
/ / NIH / International
RC2 AG036528 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
U01-CA98216 / / National Cancer Institute under cooperative agreements / International
U01-CA98710 / / National Cancer Institute under cooperative agreements / International
U01 AG032984 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
/ / National Cell Repository for Alzheimer's Disease (NCRAD) / International
U24 AG041689 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
U01-CA98233 / / National Cancer Institute under cooperative agreements / International
AG020494 / / Neurobiology of Aging T32 / International
U24 AG21886 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States

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