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Pathak GA, Zhou Z, Silzer TK, Barber RC, Phillips NR.  2020.  Two-stage Bayesian GWAS of 9576 individuals identifies SNP regions that are targeted by miRNAs inversely expressed in Alzheimer's and cancer.. Alzheimers Dement. 16(1):162-177.
Cignarella F, Filipello F, Bollman B, Cantoni C, Locca A, Mikesell R, Manis M, Ibrahim A, Deng L, Benitez BA et al..  2020.  TREM2 activation on microglia promotes myelin debris clearance and remyelination in a model of multiple sclerosis.. Acta Neuropathol. 140(4):513-534.
He Z, McBride JD, Xu H, Changolkar L, Kim S-J, Zhang B, Narasimhan S, Gibbons GS, Guo JL, Kozak M et al..  2020.  Transmission of tauopathy strains is independent of their isoform composition.. Nat Commun. 11(1):7.
Katsumata Y, Nelson PT, Estus S, Fardo DW.  2019.  Translating Alzheimer's disease-associated polymorphisms into functional candidates: a survey of IGAP genes and SNPs.. Neurobiol Aging. 74:135-146.
Wang M, Li A, Sekiya M, Beckmann ND, Quan X, Schrode N, Fernando MB, Yu A, Zhu L, Cao J et al..  2021.  Transformative Network Modeling of Multi-omics Data Reveals Detailed Circuits, Key Regulators, and Potential Therapeutics for Alzheimer's Disease.. Neuron. 109(2):257-272.e14.
Li Z, Farias FHG, Dube U, Del-Aguila JL, Mihindukulasuriya KA, Fernández MVictoria, Ibañez L, Budde JP, Wang F, Lake AM et al..  2020.  The TMEM106B FTLD-protective variant, rs1990621, is also associated with increased neuronal proportion.. Acta Neuropathol. 139(1):45-61.
Goldschmidt-Clermont PJ, Volinsky FG, LaRosa SP, Gilbert JR, Pericak-Vance MA.  2020.  Time for Well-Powered Controlled Prospective Studies to Test a Causal Role for Herpes Viruses in Alzheimer's Disease Using Antiherpetic Drugs.. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 75(6):1058-1060.
Ramdhani S, Navarro E, Udine E, Efthymiou AG, Schilder BM, Parks M, Goate A, Raj T.  2020.  Tensor decomposition of stimulated monocyte and macrophage gene expression profiles identifies neurodegenerative disease-specific trans-eQTLs.. PLoS Genet. 16(2):e1008549.


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