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Journal Article
Malik R, Georgakis MK, Neitzel J, Rannikmäe K, Ewers M, Seshadri S, Sudlow CLM, Dichgans M.  2021.  Midlife vascular risk factors and risk of incident dementia: Longitudinal cohort and Mendelian randomization analyses in the UK Biobank.. Alzheimers Dement. 17(9):1422-1431.
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Conner SC, Benayoun L, Himali JJ, Adams SL, Yang Q, DeCarli C, Blusztajn JK, Beiser A, Seshadri S, Delalle I.  2019.  Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase-B3 Risk Allele Implicated in Alzheimer's Disease Associates with Increased Odds for Brain Infarcts.. J Alzheimers Dis. 68(1):357-365.
Adams SL, Benayoun L, Tilton K, Chavez OR, Himali JJ, Blusztajn JKrzysztof, Seshadri S, Delalle I.  2017.  Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase-B3 (MsrB3) Protein Associates with Synaptic Vesicles and its Expression Changes in the Hippocampi of Alzheimer's Disease Patients.. J Alzheimers Dis. 60(1):43-56.
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Kulick ER, Wellenius GA, Boehme AK, Joyce NR, Schupf N, Kaufman JD, Mayeux R, Sacco RL, Manly JJ, Elkind MSV.  2020.  Long-term exposure to air pollution and trajectories of cognitive decline among older adults.. Neurology. 94(17):e1782-e1792.
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Andrews SJ, Fulton-Howard B, Goate A.  2020.  Interpretation of risk loci from genome-wide association studies of Alzheimer's disease.. Lancet Neurol. 19(4):326-335.
Ajnakina O, Cadar D, Steptoe A.  2020.  Interplay between Socioeconomic Markers and Polygenic Predisposition on Timing of Dementia Diagnosis.. J Am Geriatr Soc. 68(7):1529-1536.


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