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Avila JF, Rentería MArce, Jones RN, Vonk JMJ, Turney I, Sol K, Seblova D, Arias F, Hill-Jarrett T, Levy S-A et al..  2021.  Education differentially contributes to cognitive reserve across racial/ethnic groups.. Alzheimers Dement. 17(1):70-80.
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Hofer E, Roshchupkin GV, Adams HHH, Knol MJ, Lin H, Li S, Zare H, Ahmad S, Armstrong NJ, Satizabal CL et al..  2020.  Genetic correlations and genome-wide associations of cortical structure in general population samples of 22,824 adults.. Nat Commun. 11(1):4796.
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Peloso GM, Beiser AS, DeStefano AL, Seshadri S.  2018.  Genetic Interaction with Plasma Lipids on Alzheimer's Disease in the Framingham Heart Study.. J Alzheimers Dis. 66(3):1275-1282.
Kunkle BW, Grenier-Boley B, Sims R, Bis JC, Damotte V, Naj AC, Boland A, Vronskaya M, van der Lee SJ, Amlie-Wolf A et al..  2019.  Genetic meta-analysis of diagnosed Alzheimer's disease identifies new risk loci and implicates Aβ, tau, immunity and lipid processing.. Nat Genet. 51(3):414-430.


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