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Spartano NL, Davis-Plourde KL, Himali JJ, Murabito JM, Vasan RS, Beiser AS, Seshadri S.  2019.  Self-Reported Physical Activity and Relations to Growth and Neurotrophic Factors in Diabetes Mellitus: The Framingham Offspring Study.. J Diabetes Res. 2019:2718465.
Larsson SC, Traylor M, Burgess S, Boncoraglio GB, Jern C, Michaëlsson K, Markus HS.  2019.  Serum magnesium and calcium levels in relation to ischemic stroke: Mendelian randomization study.. Neurology. 92(9):e944-e950.
Dumitrescu L, Barnes LL, Thambisetty M, Beecham G, Kunkle B, Bush WS, Gifford KA, Chibnik LB, Mukherjee S, De Jager PL et al..  2019.  Sex differences in the genetic predictors of Alzheimer's pathology.. Brain. 142(9):2581-2589.
Lobach I, Kim I, Alekseyenko A, Lobach S, Zhang L.  2019.  A simple approximation to bias in the genetic effect estimates when multiple disease states share a clinical diagnosis.. Genet Epidemiol. 43(5):522-531.
Del-Aguila JL, Li Z, Dube U, Mihindukulasuriya KA, Budde JP, Fernández MVictoria, Ibañez L, Bradley J, Wang F, Bergmann K et al..  2019.  A single-nuclei RNA sequencing study of Mendelian and sporadic AD in the human brain.. Alzheimers Res Ther. 11(1):71.
Hu Y, Li M, Lu Q, Weng H, Wang J, Zekavat SM, Yu Z, Li B, Gu J, Muchnik S et al..  2019.  A statistical framework for cross-tissue transcriptome-wide association analysis.. Nat Genet. 51(3):568-576.
Ebbert MTW, Jensen TD, Jansen-West K, Sens JP, Reddy JS, Ridge PG, Kauwe JSK, Belzil V, Pregent L, Carrasquillo MM et al..  2019.  Systematic analysis of dark and camouflaged genes reveals disease-relevant genes hiding in plain sight.. Genome Biol. 20(1):97.

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