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Deters KD, Napolioni V, Sperling RA, Greicius MD, Mayeux R, Hohman T, Mormino EC.  2021.  Amyloid PET Imaging in Self-Identified Non-Hispanic Black Participants of the Anti-Amyloid in Asymptomatic Alzheimer's Disease (A4) Study.. Neurology. 96(11):e1491-e1500.
Zhang X, Farrell JJ, Tong T, Hu J, Zhu C, San Wang L-, Mayeux R, Haines JL, Pericak-Vance MA, Schellenberg GD et al..  2021.  Association of mitochondrial variants and haplogroups identified by whole exome sequencing with Alzheimer's disease.. Alzheimers Dement.
Rizvi B, Lao PJ, Chesebro AG, Dworkin JD, Amarante E, Beato JM, Gutierrez J, Zahodne LB, Schupf N, Manly JJ et al..  2021.  Association of Regional White Matter Hyperintensities With Longitudinal Alzheimer-Like Pattern of Neurodegeneration in Older Adults.. JAMA Netw Open. 4(10):e2125166.
de Rojas I, Moreno-Grau S, Tesi N, Grenier-Boley B, Andrade V, Jansen IE, Pedersen NL, Stringa N, Zettergren A, Hernández I et al..  2021.  Common variants in Alzheimer's disease and risk stratification by polygenic risk scores.. Nat Commun. 12(1):3417.
Avila JF, Rentería MArce, Jones RN, Vonk JMJ, Turney I, Sol K, Seblova D, Arias F, Hill-Jarrett T, Levy S-A et al..  2021.  Education differentially contributes to cognitive reserve across racial/ethnic groups.. Alzheimers Dement. 17(1):70-80.
DeMichele-Sweet MAnn A, Klei L, Creese B, Harwood JC, Weamer EA, McClain L, Sims R, Hernández I, Moreno-Grau S, Tarraga L et al..  2021.  Genome-wide association identifies the first risk loci for psychosis in Alzheimer disease.. Mol Psychiatry. 26(10):5797-5811.
Kunkle BW, Schmidt M, Klein H-U, Naj AC, Hamilton-Nelson KL, Larson EB, Evans DA, De Jager PL, Crane PK, Buxbaum JD et al..  2021.  Novel Alzheimer Disease Risk Loci and Pathways in African American Individuals Using the African Genome Resources Panel: A Meta-analysis.. JAMA Neurol. 78(1):102-113.
Brickman AM, Manly JJ, Honig LS, Sanchez D, Reyes-Dumeyer D, Lantigua RA, Lao PJ, Stern Y, Vonsattel JPaul, Teich AF et al..  2021.  Plasma p-tau181, p-tau217, and other blood-based Alzheimer's disease biomarkers in a multi-ethnic, community study.. Alzheimers Dement. 17(8):1353-1364.
Sariya S, Felsky D, Reyes-Dumeyer D, Lali R, Lantigua RA, Vardarajan B, Jimenez-Velazquez IZ, Haines JL, Shellenberg GD, Pericak-Vance MA et al..  2021.  Polygenic Risk Score for Alzheimer's Disease in Caribbean Hispanics.. Ann Neurol. 90(3):366-376.
Sharifian N, Zaheed AB, Morris EP, Sol K, Manly JJ, Schupf N, Mayeux R, Brickman AM, Zahodne LB.  2021.  Social network characteristics moderate associations between cortical thickness and cognitive functioning in older adults.. Alzheimers Dement.


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