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Journal Article
Pase MP, Himali JJ, Beiser AS, DeCarli C, McGrath ER, Satizabal CL, Aparicio HJ, Adams HHH, Reiner AP, Longstreth WT et al..  2020.  Association of CD14 with incident dementia and markers of brain aging and injury.. Neurology. 94(3):e254-e266.
Mandaviya PR, Joehanes R, Brody J, Castillo-Fernandez JE, Dekkers KF, Do AN, Graff M, Hänninen IK, Tanaka T, de Jonge EAL et al..  2019.  Association of dietary folate and vitamin B-12 intake with genome-wide DNA methylation in blood: a large-scale epigenome-wide association analysis in 5841 individuals.. Am J Clin Nutr. 110(2):437-450.
McGrath ER, Himali JJ, Levy D, Conner SC, Pase MP, Abraham CR, Courchesne P, Satizabal CL, Vasan RS, Beiser AS et al..  2019.  Circulating fibroblast growth factor 23 levels and incident dementia: The Framingham heart study.. PLoS One. 14(3):e0213321.
Jian X, Satizabal CL, Smith AV, Wittfeld K, Bis JC, Smith JA, Hsu F-C, Nho K, Hofer E, Hagenaars SP et al..  2018.  Exome Chip Analysis Identifies Low-Frequency and Rare Variants in MRPL38 for White Matter Hyperintensities on Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging.. Stroke. 49(8):1812-1819.
Huan T, Joehanes R, Song C, Peng F, Guo Y, Mendelson M, Yao C, Liu C, Ma J, Richard M et al..  2019.  Genome-wide identification of DNA methylation QTLs in whole blood highlights pathways for cardiovascular disease.. Nat Commun. 10(1):4267.
Sung YJu, Fuentes Lde Las, Winkler TW, Chasman DI, Bentley AR, Kraja AT, Ntalla I, Warren HR, Guo X, Schwander K et al..  2019.  A multi-ancestry genome-wide study incorporating gene-smoking interactions identifies multiple new loci for pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure.. Hum Mol Genet.
Lin H, Satizabal C, Xie Z, Yang Q, Huan T, Joehanes R, Wen C, Munson PJ, Beiser A, Levy D et al..  2017.  Whole blood gene expression and white matter Hyperintensities.. Mol Neurodegener. 12(1):67.

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