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Patrick E, Olah M, Taga M, Klein H-U, Xu J, White CC, Felsky D, Agrawal S, Gaiteri C, Chibnik LB et al..  2021.  A cortical immune network map identifies distinct microglial transcriptional programs associated with β-amyloid and Tau pathologies.. Transl Psychiatry. 11(1):50.
De Jager PL.  2021.  Deconstructing the epigenomic architecture of human neurodegeneration.. Neurobiol Dis. 153:105331.
Robins C, Liu Y, Fan W, Duong DM, Meigs J, Harerimana NV, Gerasimov ES, Dammer EB, Cutler DJ, Beach TG et al..  2021.  Genetic control of the human brain proteome.. Am J Hum Genet. 108(3):400-410.
Wang H, Bennett DA, De Jager PL, Zhang Q-Y, Zhang H-Y.  2021.  Genome-wide epistasis analysis for Alzheimer's disease and implications for genetic risk prediction.. Alzheimers Res Ther. 13(1):55.
Baird DA, Liu JZ, Zheng J, Sieberts SK, Perumal T, Elsworth B, Richardson TG, Chen C-Y, Carrasquillo MM, Allen M et al..  2021.  Identifying drug targets for neurological and psychiatric disease via genetics and the brain transcriptome.. PLoS Genet. 17(1):e1009224.
Wingo AP, Liu Y, Gerasimov ES, Gockley J, Logsdon BA, Duong DM, Dammer EB, Robins C, Beach TG, Reiman EM et al..  2021.  Integrating human brain proteomes with genome-wide association data implicates new proteins in Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis.. Nat Genet. 53(2):143-146.
Ramos-Miguel A, Jones AA, Petyuk VA, Barakauskas VE, Barr AM, Leurgans SE, De Jager PL, Casaletto KB, Schneider JA, Bennett DA et al..  2021.  Proteomic identification of select protein variants of the SNARE interactome associated with cognitive reserve in a large community sample.. Acta Neuropathol. 141(5):755-770.
Lagomarsino VN, Pearse RV, Liu L, Hsieh Y-C, Fernandez MA, Vinton EA, Paull D, Felsky D, Tasaki S, Gaiteri C et al..  2021.  Stem cell-derived neurons reflect features of protein networks, neuropathology, and cognitive outcome of their aged human donors.. Neuron. 109(21):3402-3420.e9.

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