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Katsumata Y, Nelson PT, Estus S, Fardo DW.  2019.  Translating Alzheimer's disease-associated polymorphisms into functional candidates: a survey of IGAP genes and SNPs.. Neurobiol Aging. 74:135-146.
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Kuksa PP, Amlie-Wolf A, Katanić Ž, Valladares O, San Wang L-, Leung YYee.  2019.  DASHR 2.0: integrated database of human small non-coding RNA genes and mature products.. Bioinformatics. 35(6):1033-1039.
Kuksa PP, Li F, Kannan S, Gregory BD, Leung YYee, San Wang L-.  2020.  HiPR: High-throughput probabilistic RNA structure inference.. Comput Struct Biotechnol J. 18:1539-1547.
Kuksa PP, Lee C-Y, Amlie-Wolf A, Gangadharan P, Mlynarski EE, Chou Y-F, Lin H-J, Issen H, Greenfest-Allen E, Valladares O et al..  2020.  SparkINFERNO: a scalable high-throughput pipeline for inferring molecular mechanisms of non-coding genetic variants.. Bioinformatics. 36(12):3879-3881.
Kuksa PP, Amlie-Wolf A, Hwang Y-C, Valladares O, Gregory BD, San Wang L-.  2020.  HIPPIE2: a method for fine-scale identification of physically interacting chromatin regions.. NAR Genom Bioinform. 2(2):lqaa022.
Kulick ER, Wellenius GA, Boehme AK, Joyce NR, Schupf N, Kaufman JD, Mayeux R, Sacco RL, Manly JJ, Elkind MSV.  2020.  Long-term exposure to air pollution and trajectories of cognitive decline among older adults.. Neurology. 94(17):e1782-e1792.
Kulick ER, Elkind MSV, Boehme AK, Joyce NR, Schupf N, Kaufman JD, Mayeux R, Manly JJ, Wellenius GA.  2020.  Long-term exposure to ambient air pollution, APOE-ε4 status, and cognitive decline in a cohort of older adults in northern Manhattan.. Environ Int. 136:105440.
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Kunkle BW, Schmidt M, Klein H-U, Naj AC, Hamilton-Nelson KL, Larson EB, Evans DA, De Jager PL, Crane PK, Buxbaum JD et al..  2021.  Novel Alzheimer Disease Risk Loci and Pathways in African American Individuals Using the African Genome Resources Panel: A Meta-analysis.. JAMA Neurol. 78(1):102-113.
Kunkle BW, Grenier-Boley B, Sims R, Bis JC, Damotte V, Naj AC, Boland A, Vronskaya M, van der Lee SJ, Amlie-Wolf A et al..  2019.  Genetic meta-analysis of diagnosed Alzheimer's disease identifies new risk loci and implicates Aβ, tau, immunity and lipid processing.. Nat Genet. 51(3):414-430.


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