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Crane PK, Foroud T, Montine TJ, Larson EB.  2017.  Alzheimer's Disease Sequencing Project discovery and replication criteria for cases and controls: Data from a community-based prospective cohort study with autopsy follow-up.. Alzheimers Dement. 13(12):1410-1413.
Beecham GW, Bis JC, Martin ER, Choi S-H, DeStefano AL, van Duijn CM, Fornage M, Gabriel SB, Koboldt DC, Larson DE et al..  2017.  The Alzheimer's Disease Sequencing Project: Study design and sample selection.. Neurol Genet. 3(5):e194.
Fernández MVictoria, Kim JHun, Budde JP, Black K, Medvedeva A, Saef B, Deming Y, Del-Aguila J, Ibañez L, Dube U et al..  2017.  Analysis of neurodegenerative Mendelian genes in clinically diagnosed Alzheimer Disease.. PLoS Genet. 13(11):e1007045.
Butkiewicz M, Haines JL, Bush WS.  2017.  Introducing COCOS: codon consequence scanner for annotating reading frame changes induced by stop-lost and frame shift variants.. Bioinformatics. 33(10):1561-1562.
Adams SL, Benayoun L, Tilton K, Chavez OR, Himali JJ, Blusztajn JKrzysztof, Seshadri S, Delalle I.  2017.  Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase-B3 (MsrB3) Protein Associates with Synaptic Vesicles and its Expression Changes in the Hippocampi of Alzheimer's Disease Patients.. J Alzheimers Dis. 60(1):43-56.
Lin H, Satizabal C, Xie Z, Yang Q, Huan T, Joehanes R, Wen C, Munson PJ, Beiser A, Levy D et al..  2017.  Whole blood gene expression and white matter Hyperintensities.. Mol Neurodegener. 12(1):67.


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