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Journal Article
Rajabli F, Feliciano BE, Celis K, Hamilton-Nelson KL, Whitehead PL, Adams LD, Bussies PL, Manrique CP, Rodriguez A, Rodriguez V et al..  2018.  Ancestral origin of ApoE ε4 Alzheimer disease risk in Puerto Rican and African American populations.. PLoS Genet. 14(12):e1007791.
Griswold AJ, Sivasankaran SK, Van Booven D, Gardner OK, Rajabli F, Whitehead PL, Hamilton-Nelson KL, Adams LD, Scott AM, Hofmann NK et al..  2020.  Immune and Inflammatory Pathways Implicated by Whole Blood Transcriptomic Analysis in a Diverse Ancestry Alzheimer's Disease Cohort.. J Alzheimers Dis. 76(3):1047-1060.
Griswold AJ, Celis K, Bussies PL, Rajabli F, Whitehead PL, Hamilton-Nelson KL, Beecham GW, Dykxhoorn DM, Nuytemans K, Wang L et al..  2021.  Increased APOE ε4 expression is associated with the difference in Alzheimer's disease risk from diverse ancestral backgrounds.. Alzheimers Dement. 17(7):1179-1188.
Rajabli F, Feliciano-Astacio BE, Cukier HN, Wang L, Griswold AJ, Hamilton-Nelson KL, Adams LD, Rodriguez VC, Mena PR, Tejada S et al..  2021.  Linkage of Alzheimer disease families with Puerto Rican ancestry identifies a chromosome 9 locus.. Neurobiol Aging. 104:115.e1-115.e7.
Ramos J, Chowdhury AR, Caywood LJ, Prough M, M Fuzzell D, Fuzzell S, Miskimen K, Whitehead PL, Adams LD, Laux R et al..  2021.  Lower Levels of Education Are Associated with Cognitive Impairment in the Old Order Amish.. J Alzheimers Dis. 79(1):451-458.
Gardner OK, Wang L, Van Booven D, Whitehead PL, Hamilton-Nelson KL, Adams LD, Starks TD, Hofmann NK, Vance JM, Cuccaro ML et al..  2019.  RNA editing alterations in a multi-ethnic Alzheimer disease cohort converge on immune and endocytic molecular pathways.. Hum Mol Genet. 28(18):3053-3061.

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