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Journal Article
Ding J, Davis-Plourde KL, Sedaghat S, Tully PJ, Wang W, Phillips C, Pase MP, Himali JJ, B Windham G, Griswold M et al..  2020.  Antihypertensive medications and risk for incident dementia and Alzheimer's disease: a meta-analysis of individual participant data from prospective cohort studies.. Lancet Neurol. 19(1):61-70.
Spartano NL, Davis-Plourde KL, Himali JJ, Andersson C, Pase MP, Maillard P, DeCarli C, Murabito JM, Beiser AS, Vasan RS et al..  2019.  Association of Accelerometer-Measured Light-Intensity Physical Activity With Brain Volume: The Framingham Heart Study.. JAMA Netw Open. 2(4):e192745.
Pase MP, Himali JJ, Beiser AS, DeCarli C, McGrath ER, Satizabal CL, Aparicio HJ, Adams HHH, Reiner AP, Longstreth WT et al..  2020.  Association of CD14 with incident dementia and markers of brain aging and injury.. Neurology. 94(3):e254-e266.
Peloso GM, Beiser AS, Satizabal CL, Xanthakis V, Vasan RS, Pase MP, DeStefano AL, Seshadri S.  2020.  Cardiovascular health, genetic risk, and risk of dementia in the Framingham Heart Study.. Neurology. 95(10):e1341-e1350.
McGrath ER, Himali JJ, Xanthakis V, Duncan MS, Schaffer JE, Ory DS, Peterson LR, DeCarli C, Pase MP, Satizabal CL et al..  2020.  Circulating ceramide ratios and risk of vascular brain aging and dementia.. Ann Clin Transl Neurol.
McGrath ER, Himali JJ, Levy D, Conner SC, Pase MP, Abraham CR, Courchesne P, Satizabal CL, Vasan RS, Beiser AS et al..  2019.  Circulating fibroblast growth factor 23 levels and incident dementia: The Framingham heart study.. PLoS One. 14(3):e0213321.
Conner SC, Pase MP, Carneiro H, Raman MR, McKee AC, Alvarez VE, Walker JM, Satizabal CL, Himali JJ, Stein TD et al..  2019.  Mid-life and late-life vascular risk factor burden and neuropathology in old age.. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 6(12):2403-2412.
Adams S, Conner S, Himali JJ, Beiser A, Vasan RS, Seshadri S, Pase MP.  2018.  Vascular risk factor burden and new-onset depression in the community.. Prev Med. 111:348-350.

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