Summary statistics of the three age-of-onset association analyses of AD using the ADSP discovery WES sample. Variants with missing rate >2% or MAC <=10 in each of the analyses were not included in the tables. The positions of the SNPs are based on hg19. summary_statistics_coxmeg_ADSP_WES_white_covSex3PCs_eps6_hg19.txt: a model with all subjects adjusted for three significant PCs and sex; summary_statistics_coxmeg_ADSP_WES_white_covAPOESex3PCs_eps6_hg19.txt: a model with all subjects adjusted for the copy of APOE e4, three significant PCs and sex; summary_statistics_coxmeg_ADSP_WES_white_covSex3PCs_nonAPOE4_eps6_hg19.txt: a model with APOE e4 non-carriers adjusted for three significant PCs and sex. Column definition (p-value only dataset) ID: SNP rs ID P: p-vaSNP_POlue CHROM: chromosome hg19: position (hg19) EA: effect allele A2: alternative allele