For the genome-wide survival analysis, we used 14,406 AD case and 25,849 control samples from the IGAP consortium as detailed below: | | Cases | | | Controls | | | |-------------------------+-------+-------+-----------------------+----------+-------+-----------------------| | Dataset | N | Women | Mean AAO, yrs (stdev) | N | Women | Mean AAE, yrs (stdev) | |-------------------------+-------+-------+-----------------------+----------+-------+-----------------------| | ADGC | 8617 | 58.9% | 74.2 (8.1) | 9765 | 60.1% | 77.1 (8.4) | | GERAD | 2615 | 63.4% | 73.0 (8.5) | 1148 | 62.1% | 76.5 (7.0) | | EADI case-control study | 1420 | 67.2% | 72.1 (7.1) | 878 | 61.0% | 72.2 (7.8) | | EADI longitudinal study | 387 | 61.8% | 81.3 (5.6) | 5416 | 61.1% | 79.3 (5.3) | | CHARGE FHS | 229 | 65.5% | 85.7 (6.3) | 1979 | 54.1% | 80.7 (7.5) | | CHARGE CHS | 374 | 69.2% | 82.2 (5.0) | 1675 | 60.6% | 81.1 (5.2) | | CHARGE Rotterdam | 764 | 73.2% | 83.1 (6.6) | 4988 | 57.8% | 81.4 (6.9) | |-------------------------+-------+-------+-----------------------+----------+-------+-----------------------| | Total | 14406 | 61.7% | 74.8 | 25849 | 59.6% | 79.0 | AAO = age at onset; AAE = age at last examination This dataset consists of samples from the Alzheimer’s Disease Genetics Consortium (ADGC), Genetic and Environmental Risk in Alzheimer's Disease (GERAD), European Alzheimer's Disease Initiative (EADI), and Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE). The study cohorts consist of case-control and longitudinal cohorts. For all studies, written informed consent was obtained from study participants or, for those with substantial cognitive impairment, from a caregiver, legal guardian, or other proxy, and the study protocols for all populations were reviewed and approved by the appropriate Institutional review boards. Details of ascertainment and diagnostic procedures for each dataset extend from details previously described and are documented in the companion paper . 8,253,925 SNPs passed quality control and were included for meta-analysis across all cohorts, which showed little evidence of genomic inflation (lambda_gc = 1.026). Details of quality control and analytical procedures are documented in the companion paper . Briefly, SNPs were first filtered in each cohort datasets as described. Then, we excluded SNPs with available statistics in only one consortium dataset in the meta-analysis. Finally, we filtered SNPs with minor allele frequency ? 0.02 using the cohort with minimal allele frequency to be reported as the 8253925 SNPs in the IGAP_meta1_pos_stats_1filtered_upload.txt.gz file. The summary results of the genome-wide survival analysis are contained in a table structured format as a gzip compressed, comma separated values file named: IGAP_meta1_pos_stats_1filtered_upload.txt.gz: meta analysis results with the MAF filter applied and the 19 listed columns Columns are described below: 1: SNP = SNP rsID or chromosome:position if rsID is not available 2: Allele1 = effect allele 3: Allele2 = non-effect allele 4: Freq1 = frequency of the effect allele (qualified access only) 5: FreqSE = standard error of effect allele frequency across the 7 cohorts (qualified access only) 6: MinFreq = minimum effect allele frequency across the 7 cohorts (qualified access only) 7: MaxFreq = maximum effect allele frequency across the 7 cohorts (qualified access only) 8: Effect = effect size of the effect allele (qualified access only) 9: StdErr = standard error of the effect size (qualified access only) 10: P = P value 11: Direction = direction of effects in the 7 cohorts (+,- or ? denoting positive, negative or missing effect, respectively) (qualified access only) 12: HetISq = heterogeneity I^2 parameter (qualified access only) 13: HetChiSq = heterogeneity Chi^2 statistic (qualified access only) 14: HetDf = heterogeneity degrees of freedom (qualified access only) 15: HetPVal = heterogeneity p value (qualified access only) 16: CHR = Chromosome of the SNP (Build 37, Assembly Hg19) 17: BP = Position of the SNP (Build 37, Assembly Hg19) 18: HR = hazard ratio (qualified access only) 19: CI_95% = 95% confidence interval of the hazard ratio (qualified access only)