03/11/2020 ROSMAP2 genotype, covariate, and imputation data files The covariate files were generated by ADGC in Dec 2013. rosmap566_030413_clean was not the set of Plink files used for Imputation on the 1000G March 2012 panel. The dataset that was used no longer exists. The difference is that sex mismatch individuals were removed from the GWAS. There are subjects with sex discords within the imputation, but they have been omitted through the covariate file. Genotype files: rosmap566_030413_clean_updatedIDs.* Covariate file: rosmap2.covar.2013Dec06_updatedIDs.txt Covariate Data Dictionary: ADGC_covar_DataDictionary.xlsx Imputation data: NG00095_ROSMAP2_imputation_updatedIDs.zip