NG00017 Data dictionary The file Kramer.csv contains phenotype information. For all the columns NA means information not available. First column ("ID") match the "ID" in the genotype file. The second column ("SEX") notes the sex 1=male, 2=female The third column "APOE_genotype" is Apolipoprotein-E. The values are: 1 = e3, e3 2 = e3, e4 3 = e3, e2 4 = e4, e4 5 = e4, e2 6 = e2, e2 Case/Control_Neuropathological Variable Number 27 Variable Name NPDXONE Short Descriptor Primary Neuropathological Diagnosis Variable Type Integer Allowable Codes 1 – 5 1 = Normal Brain 2 = Alzheimer’s disease – Definite (e.g., using CERAD or other neuropathological criteria) 3 = Alzheimer’s disease – Probable (e.g., using CERAD or other neuropathological criteria) 4 = Alzheimer’s disease – Possible (e.g., using CERAD or other neuropathological criteria) 5 = Autopsy report pending 6 = Other Case/Control_Clinical Variable Number 17 Variable Name CLNDXONE Short Descriptor Primary Clinical Dementia Diagnosis at Death Variable Type Integer Allowable Codes 0 – 2 0 = Subject did not have dementia 1 = Alzheimer’s disease (e.g. NINCDS “probable Alzheimer’s disease” or DSM IV “dementia of the Alzheimer’s type”) 2 = Alzheimer’s disease with other conditions or variations in course (e.g., NINCDS “possible Alzheimer’s disease”, DSM IV multiple etiologies where Alzheimer’s is the predominate cause) 3 = Other Missing Code 9 = Missing/Unknown Age_of_onset Variable Number 11 Variable Name AGEDEM Short Descriptor If demented, at what age did the subject develop dementia symptoms? Variable Type Integer Allowable Codes 0 – 130, 888 (not applicable) Missing Code 999 Comment Refers to age of onset of dementia symptoms, not age at which diagnosis was made. ** I replaced “888” and “999” with “NA”. Age of death Age of death = Death Year - Birth Year Variable Number 14 Variable Name DEATHYR Short Descriptor Subject’s date of death: Year Variable Type Integer Allowable Codes > 1950 and < 2010 Missing Codes 9999 Variable Number 6 Variable Name BIRTHYR Short Descriptor Subject’s date of birth: Year Variable Type Integer Allowable Codes > 1875 Missing Codes 9999 Age_of_last_visit Age of last visit = Eval Year - Birth Year Variable Number 3 Variable Name EVALYEAR Short Descriptor Date of evaluation: Year Variable Type Integer Allowable Codes > 1965 Missing Codes 9999 ** I used the most recent Eval Year information. Age_(unspecified) NA Last MMSE Variable Number 6 Variable Name MMSE Short Descriptor Mini-Mental State Exam score (0 to 30) Variable Type Integer Allowable Codes 0 – 30, 88 (not collected/administered) Missing Code 99 = Missing/Unknown/Incomplete ** I replaced “88” and “99” with “NA”.