Codebook NIAGADS data set for the Religious Orders Study and Memory and Aging Project. Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center Rush University Medical Center February 6th, 2013 studyid description: study of enrollment value coding ROS Religious Orders Study MAP Memory and Aging Project niagadsid description: participant's 8-digit randomly assigned identifier sex description: participant's sex value coding 0 male 1 female prevad description: prevalent Alzheimer's Disease indicator of Alzheimer' Disease diagnosis at study baseline value coding 0 AD not present at study baseline 1 AD present at study baseline incad description: incident Alzheimer's Disease indicator of Alzheimer' Disease diagnosis after study baseline value coding 0 AD not present after study baseline 1 AD present after study baseline age_onset description: age at onset of Alzheimer's Disease diagnosis equivalent to age_base (see variable age_base) for participants with prevalent Alzheimer's Disease. Ages >90 are set to 90. age_base description: age at study baseline Ages >90 are set to 90. apoe description: apoe genotype value coding 22 E2E2 23 E2E3 24 E2E4 33 E3E3 34 E3E4 44 E4E4 empty apeo genotype not available autopsy description: autopsy performed 0 an autopsy has not been performed 1 an autopsy has been performed braak description: semiquantitative measure of neurofibrillary tangles value coding 0 0 1 I 2 II 3 III 4 IV 5 V 6 VI NA Braak scoring not applicable or not available for this participant race description: the self identified race of the participant value coding 1 white 2 Black, Negro, African-American 3 Native American, Indian 4 Eskimo 5 Aleut 6 Asian or Pacific Island ethnicity description: indicates if the participant is of Spanish/Hispanic/Latino origin value coding 0 no 1 yes