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Alternative splicing in a presenilin 2 variant associated with Alzheimer disease.

TitleAlternative splicing in a presenilin 2 variant associated with Alzheimer disease.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsBraggin JE, Bucks SA, Course MM, Smith CL, Sopher B, Osnis L, Shuey KD, Domoto-Reilly K, Caso C, Kinoshita C, Scherpelz KP, Cross C, Grabowski T, Nik SHM, Newman M, Garden GA, Leverenz JB, Tsuang D, Latimer C, Gonzalez-Cuyar LF, Keene CDirk, Morrison RS, Rhoads K, Wijsman EM, Dorschner MO, Lardelli M, Young JE, Valdmanis PN, Bird TD, Jayadev S
JournalAnn Clin Transl Neurol
Date Published2019 Apr

Objective: Autosomal-dominant familial Alzheimer disease (AD) is caused by by variants in presenilin 1 (), presenilin 2 (), and amyloid precursor protein (). Previously, we reported a rare frameshift variant in an early-onset AD case (PSEN2 p.K115Efs*11). In this study, we characterize a second family with the same variant and analyze cellular transcripts from both patient fibroblasts and brain lysates.
Methods: We combined genomic, neuropathological, clinical, and molecular techniques to characterize the PSEN2 K115Efs*11 variant in two families.
Results: Neuropathological and clinical evaluation confirmed the AD diagnosis in two individuals carrying the PSEN2 K115Efs*11 variant. A truncated transcript from the variant allele is detectable in patient fibroblasts while levels of wild-type transcript and protein are reduced compared to controls. Functional studies to assess biological consequences of the variant demonstrated that PSEN2 K115Efs*11 fibroblasts secrete less A compared to controls, indicating abnormal -secretase activity. Analysis of transcript levels in brain tissue revealed alternatively spliced products in patient brain as well as in sporadic AD and age-matched control brain.
Interpretation: These data suggest that PSEN2 K115Efs*11 is a likely pathogenic variant associated with AD. We uncovered novel alternative transcripts in addition to previously reported splice isoforms associated with sporadic AD. In the context of a frameshift, these alternative transcripts return to the canonical reading frame with potential to generate deleterious protein products. Our findings suggest novel potential mechanisms by which variants may influence AD pathogenesis, highlighting the complexity underlying genetic contribution to disease risk.

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Alternate JournalAnn Clin Transl Neurol
PubMed ID31020001
PubMed Central IDPMC6469258
Grant ListP50 AG005136 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
T32 AG052354 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States

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