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Journal Article
Kuksa PP, Amlie-Wolf A, Katanić Ž, Valladares O, San Wang L-, Leung YYee.  2019.  DASHR 2.0: integrated database of human small non-coding RNA genes and mature products.. Bioinformatics. 35(6):1033-1039.
Hofer E, Roshchupkin GV, Adams HHH, Knol MJ, Lin H, Li S, Zare H, Ahmad S, Armstrong NJ, Satizabal CL et al..  2020.  Genetic correlations and genome-wide associations of cortical structure in general population samples of 22,824 adults.. Nat Commun. 11(1):4796.
Wheeler NR, Benchek P, Kunkle BW, Hamilton-Nelson KL, Warfe M, Fondran JR, Haines JL, Bush WS.  2020.  Hadoop and PySpark for reproducibility and scalability of genomic sequencing studies.. Pac Symp Biocomput. 25:523-534.
Novikova G, Kapoor M, Tcw J, Abud EM, Efthymiou AG, Chen SX, Cheng H, Fullard JF, Bendl J, Liu Y et al..  2021.  Integration of Alzheimer's disease genetics and myeloid genomics identifies disease risk regulatory elements and genes.. Nat Commun. 12(1):1610.
Zhou Z, Wang W, San Wang L-, Zhang NRuonan.  2018.  Integrative DNA copy number detection and genotyping from sequencing and array-based platforms.. Bioinformatics. 34(14):2349-2355.
Butkiewicz M, Haines JL, Bush WS.  2017.  Introducing COCOS: codon consequence scanner for annotating reading frame changes induced by stop-lost and frame shift variants.. Bioinformatics. 33(10):1561-1562.
Kuksa PP, Lee C-Y, Amlie-Wolf A, Gangadharan P, Mlynarski EE, Chou Y-F, Lin H-J, Issen H, Greenfest-Allen E, Valladares O et al..  2020.  SparkINFERNO: a scalable high-throughput pipeline for inferring molecular mechanisms of non-coding genetic variants.. Bioinformatics. 36(12):3879-3881.
Lyon MS, Andrews SJ, Elsworth B, Gaunt TR, Hemani G, Marcora E.  2021.  The variant call format provides efficient and robust storage of GWAS summary statistics.. Genome Biol. 22(1):32.

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