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Journal Article
Bis JC, Jian X, Kunkle BW, Chen Y, Hamilton-Nelson KL, Bush WS, Salerno WJ, Lancour D, Ma Y, Renton AE et al..  2018.  Whole exome sequencing study identifies novel rare and common Alzheimer's-Associated variants involved in immune response and transcriptional regulation.. Mol Psychiatry.
Zhang X, Zhu C, Beecham G, Vardarajan BN, Ma Y, Lancour D, Farrell JJ, Chung J, Mayeux R, Haines JL et al..  2019.  A rare missense variant of CASP7 is associated with familial late-onset Alzheimer's disease.. Alzheimers Dement. 15(3):441-452.
Naj AC, Lin H, Vardarajan BN, White S, Lancour D, Ma Y, Schmidt M, Sun F, Butkiewicz M, Bush WS et al..  2018.  Quality control and integration of genotypes from two calling pipelines for whole genome sequence data in the Alzheimer's disease sequencing project.. Genomics.
Blue EE, Bis JC, Dorschner MO, Tsuang DW, Barral SM, Beecham G, Below JE, Bush WS, Butkiewicz M, Cruchaga C et al..  2018.  Genetic Variation in Genes Underlying Diverse Dementias May Explain a Small Proportion of Cases in the Alzheimer's Disease Sequencing Project.. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 45(1-2):1-17.
Ma Y, Jun GR, Chung J, Zhang X, Kunkle BW, Naj AC, White CC, Bennett DA, De Jager PL, Mayeux R et al..  2019.  CpG-related SNPs in the MS4A region have a dose-dependent effect on risk of late-onset Alzheimer disease.. Aging Cell. 18(4):e12964.
Ma Y, Jun GR, Zhang X, Chung J, Naj AC, Chen Y, Bellenguez C, Hamilton-Nelson K, Martin ER, Kunkle BW et al..  2019.  Analysis of Whole-Exome Sequencing Data for Alzheimer Disease Stratified by APOE Genotype.. JAMA Neurol.

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